


Table of Contents

1. Description
2. Git Structure
3. Installation
.. 1. Installing from PyPI (Python Package Index)
.. 2. Installing from source distribution
.. 3. Setting up a development/runtime environment on Debian GNU/Linux
4. Files and Directories
5. Documentation
.. 1. Examples
.. 2. Test suite
6. Release notes
.. 1.
.. 2. 0.7.8
.. 3. 0.7.7
.. 4.
.. 5.
.. 6. 0.7.6
.. 7.
.. 8. 0.7.5
.. 9.
.. 10.
.. 11.
.. 12.
.. 13.
.. 14. 0.7.4
.. 15. 0.7.3
.. 16. 0.7.2
.. 17. 0.7.1
.. 18. 0.7.0
.. 19. 0.6.2
.. 20. 0.6.1
.. 21. 0.6.0
.. 22. 0.5.2
.. 23. 0.5.1
.. 24. 0.5.0
.. 25. 0.4.0
.. 26. 0.3.0
.. 27. 0.2.2
.. 28. 0.2.1
.. 29. 0.2.0
.. 30. 0.1.1
.. 31. 0.1.0
7. TODO Todo list [2/11]

1 Description

  Summer is light weight Python 3 application framework to support
  generic application development. It provides support for business
  object management, ORM (mapping, declarative transactions), LDAP and
  localization. Inspired by famous Java Spring application framework.

  Since 0.5.2 Python 3 is required. Tested for latest Python 3.7 and
  Python 3.9.

  Project web page <>.

  Old project web page: <>.

2 Git Structure

  Project follows this Git branching model:

  STARnet branches: <./README-git.png>


3 Installation

3.1 Installing from PyPI (Python Package Index)

  | pip install summer
  | pip install summer[sqlalchemy] # with SQLAlchemy support
  | pip install summer[sqlalchemy,ldap] # with SQLAlchemy & LDAP support

3.2 Installing from source distribution

  Installation uses Python /setuptools/ -- just run from distribution
  top dir:

  | python install

  or you may prefer

  | python install --prefix=/usr/local/

  This will copy the package into appropriate directory for third-party
  modules of your Python installation.

3.3 Setting up a development/runtime environment on Debian GNU/Linux

  | # install base python packages from your distribution repo
  | apt-get install gettext sqlite3 git build-essential python3 python3-dev python3-venv
  | # install those dependencies in order to compile required native
  | # Python packages for your platform
  | apt-get install libpq-dev
  | # clone the summer repo to the directory of your choice
  | git clone summer
  | cd summer
  | # create virtual environment with Python 3 interpreter and wheel
  | python3 -m venv .venv && . .venv/bin/activate && pip install wheel
  | # install dev requirements (see
  | pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  | # run tests
  | make clean test

4 Files and Directories

  | # tree --charset ascii --dirsfirst -L 1 -F
  | .
  | |-- doc/               ... documentation (including release notes and examples)
  | |-- summer/            ... source code
  | |-- summer.egg-info/   ... PyPI info
  | |-- COPYING            ... GPL copy
  | |-- COPYING.LESSER     ... LGPL copy
  | |-- README.txt         ... this README document
  | `--           ... Python distutils file

5 Documentation

  Reference documentation can be generated by /sphinx/ tool from source
  tree and placed in <file:doc/html/index.html>. It is also accessible
  through project web page: <>.

5.1 Examples

  Pack of commented examples is in <file:summer/tests/examples>
  directory. Accessible once you download the source.

5.2 Test suite

  Once you checked out the sources, you can run tests from within the
  top directory:

  | git clone summer
  | cd summer
  | make clean test

  Commands above will clone official Git repository and execute popular
  Python test runner `nosetests'.

6 Release notes


  - fix summer import in case no LDAP, no ORM is required and extra
    libraries are missing

6.2 0.7.8

  - remove un-necessary engine reference from `SessionFactory.Local`

6.3 0.7.7

  - improve @session_scoped implementation so it not only closes
    (close()) the sqlalchemy session, but also deletes it (del) so any
    resources used are released and new access will produce new object


  - improve AOP implementation to allow decorator chaining (if required)
  - unfortunately, still using global namespace


  - fix doc build

6.6 0.7.6

  - upgrade libs to latest minor versions (ldap + sqlalchemy)
  - review development dependencies (requirements-dev.txt)
  - follow source code layout guidelines at <>,
    discussed <>
  - improve resource management


  - slightly change behaviour of `Dao.get` method

6.8 0.7.5

  - support for pytest framework
  - migration to from (still on SourceForge,
    but start using GitLab GIT as primary repo)
  - ldap3 and sqlalchemy made optional deps (though using sqlalchemy
    unlocks most usefull features)


  - hotfix for exception in __str__() method


  - improve exception __str__ method


  - Entity dao now supports domain classes derived from summer Entity
    and/or sqlalchemy declarative base


  - add generic engine_kwargs to session provider that are passed to
    engine when created, one can manage pool size more easily for
  - removed default settings to engine 'pool_recycle=3600' -- use
    generic engine_kwargs to tune engine settings


  - fix access to local bound connection -- use the connection of the
    underlying session, not a new connection from engine

6.14 0.7.4

  - support for mixing declarative and classical SQLAlchemy mapping
  - fix LDAP tests

6.15 0.7.3

  - fix requirements specification

6.16 0.7.2

  - producer/consumer refactor (producer/consumer/mediator)
  - update copyright info
  - fix rollback for nested @transactional decorators (original
    exception is not consumed anymore)

6.17 0.7.1

  - upgrade dependencies (ldap3)
  - specify minimum requirements in
  - tested on Python 3.5+
  - update Copyright information

6.18 0.7.0

  - change summer configuration from text to Python config
  - AOP implemntation redesign
  - extensive use of @property annotation
  - support for single SessionFactory and LdapSessionFactory (force

6.19 0.6.2

  - support for direct access of database connection
  - virtual attributes can be accessed via getters (improves integration
    with IDE that can leverage Python 3 type declarations)
  - some doc fixes

6.20 0.6.1

  - fix package homepage url (<> ->

6.21 0.6.0

  - Python 3 type annotations added
  - changes according to
  - Minor change in orm initialization (Context.orm_init() method)
  - Generic Producer/Consumer framework
  - New target (doc) to generate nice html documentation from source.
  - Registered on PyPI

6.22 0.5.2

  - migration to Python 3
  - sources restructured to follow best practices of project layout
  - source code formatting according to PEP 8
  - broken compatibility in ldap removed base attribute in LDAP DAO
    session object (ie. self.session.base no longer works) added virtual
    attribute to LDAP DAO self.base instead of self.session.base

6.23 0.5.1

  - Documentation update
  - release automation

6.24 0.5.0

  - migration from subversion to git, thanks to great
  - several bug fixes
  - improved logging

6.25 0.4.0

  - Source documentation revisited.
  - New unit tests added.
  - Support for paging results using Filter domain object.
  - (Ldap)Dao refactoring (new dao base class to support Dao without an
  - New utility class Printable for object pretty printing.

6.26 0.3.0

  - some minor fixes (DaoSupport.query attribute, export of
    DaoException, ...)
  - compatibility issues with SQLAlchemy 0.5, this is now the required
  - testing with real-world projects => first Beta release!

  - known problems -- AOP -- calling proxied method (ie. decorated) from
    a non-proxy 'self' object (ie. calling private proxy method from
    non-proxied public method of the same object) does not invoke an

    workaround -- mark all your public methods with an annotation, do
    not rely on annotating private methods

    fix -- though possible, ugly; i will try to think up something

  - added assert module for various tests/checks --
  - utility method for exception stacktrace pretty printing -- even from
    aop code

6.27 0.2.2

  - fix with DaoSupport.query attribute

6.28 0.2.1

  - packaging bug fix regarding example 02_template_project
  - dao support extended with more utility methods

6.29 0.2.0

  - LDAP support added based on simillar concepts as SQL support
    (@ldapaop decorator, LDAP proxies)
  - comprehensive example 02_template_project created

6.30 0.1.1

  Just a minor release. Added admin functionality to automate the
  sourceforge release process + all the files where it makes sense now
  include subversion 'Id' keyword.

6.31 0.1.0

  This is initial release. Contains no overall documentation, but one
  commented example showing creation of application context, declarative
  transactions and presents some basic hints and ideas.

  It is a standard Python source distribution, so just unpack and
  install with:

  python install

7 TODO Todo list [2/11]

  - [X] for nested transaction, there is double rollback -- and
    transaction is internally marked as not active, which causes the
    real exception to be hidden behind assert

  - [X] review LDAP tests

  - [ ] use twine to upload to PyPI

  - [ ] migrate from to
    - git migrated

  - [ ] follow guidelines:
    - <>
    - <>

  - [ ] intelligent context -- context that would inspect an object
    (@component annotation), auto-create proxy and auto-inject
    dependency (@inject annotation)
  - [ ] lifecycle callbacks

  | ContextListener:
  |     def context_initialized(context): pass
  |     def context_destroyed(context): pass
  | ComponentListener:
  |     def component_deployed(context): pass
  |     def component_undeployed(context): pass

  - [ ] improve PCG -- it accepts an iterable and starts multiple
    threads to process it. It can return an iterable (preserving the
    element order) of the results
  - [ ] reimplement PC (and PCG) with multiprocessing support to
    side-step the GIL
  - [ ] maybe use Python queue type instead of custom shared buffer?
  - [ ] consider: discard sqlalchemy session on rollback?